Black and white bowl
Blown using solid colour quartered and fused in copper pot
Copper oxide leaving visible green mottling on white areas
Height 120mm
Cherry red wine glass
Height 220mm
Bowl with coloured cane
Coloured cane cut and arranged in chequer board pattern
and picked up off a pastorelli plate
Height 120mm
Blue/green bowl
Height 80mm
Cherry red bowl
Height 100mm
White vase with black rim trail
Blown using clear over solid colour
Height 165mm
Transparent blue bowl
Height 85mm
Black vase with white rim trail
Blown with clear over solid colour
Height 185mm
Blue/green bowl
Kugler silver dark green K1 grit collected onto first gather then second gather on top
Height 100mm
Organic form. "Alien" egg pod?
White powder colour base
Kugler silver dark green externally with some reduction for feather like effect
Height 185mm
Blue/green vase
Kugler silver dark green solid colour base with silver leaf
Reduction of silver dark green internally leading to metallic luster on internal surface
Height 190mm. 20 September 2002
Sculptural blown and sandcast fish
Blown fish with white powder colour outer coat with additional Kugler silver dark green K1 grit
Fish is mounted on sand cast base.
Height 135mm. 22 September 2002
Sculptural fish
Black powder colour with white trail
Height 115mm

Lily tea lights
Slumped glass lily with spun pewter base and candle holder