Black and white vase
Blown using Kugler opal black K1 over opal white K0
June 2004
Height 360mm
Black and white vase
Blown using Kugler opal black K1 over opal white K0
21 November 2004
Height 260mm
Black and white vase
Blown using Kugler opal black K1 over opal white K0
21 November 2004
Height 245mm
Red vase with black rim
26 November 2004
Height 455mm
Red vase with black rim and square top
26 November 2004
Height 285mm
Black and white vase
Blown using solid colour quartered and fused in copper pot
September 2005
Height 600mm
Black and white vase
Blown using solid colour. The pre-prepared solid colour consisted of 16 pieces of Kugler pre-fused into a single piece and then picked up on the end of the blowing iron. The roses were added later.
June 2006
Height 425mm
Examples of pre-fused colour
Pre-prepared solid colour consists of pieces of Kugler pre-fused into a single piece to be picked up on the end of the blowing iron.
May 2009
Length 160mm
May 2009
Length 220mm